MK Council is helping 14 long term unemployed residents into work every month through its free Neighbourhood Employment Programme (NEP).
The Council found that most people were spending around six months searching for a job before getting help from the NEP, but thanks to its support many are now finding a job within weeks.
The NEP offers practical help to find work and helps residents boost their skills and qualifications. The friendly team offer one-to-one drop-in sessions and access to a computer. There’s specialist support for people struggling with mental health who are planning a return to work, and also a service for over 50s.
The NEP recently received £16,000 from MK Council’s Economic Recovery Plan Funding to help young people get into the construction industry. It gives people interested in pursuing a career in construction free training to get a Construction Skills Certification Scheme Card (CSCS) – a requirement for those wanting to work in the sector.
A further £54,000 is planned to be invested in NEP programmes over the next year supporting local people into work.