
Financial, business and professional services

Milton Keynes has emerged as a significant player in the Financial, Business, and Professional services sector, positioning itself as a regional hub for numerous national and international companies. Its strategic location, just an hour from London and with excellent transport links, has attracted a wide array of firms looking for a base outside the capital while maintaining easy access to London’s financial markets. Major financial institutions, including Santander UK, have their headquarters in Milton Keynes, while other banks, insurance companies, and accountancy firms have also established operations in the area, contributing to the city’s growing reputation as a financial services hotspot.

Beyond finance, Milton Keynes boasts a robust professional services sector, with a concentration of legal, accounting, consulting, and IT firms. Leading consultancy companies such as PWC, and KPMG, have set up offices here to support the needs of the many corporations based in and around the city. The presence of these firms fosters a strong ecosystem for business services, providing expertise in areas like corporate governance, risk management, and strategic planning. Coupled with the city’s modern infrastructure and innovative business environment, Milton Keynes continues to attract investment, promoting growth and employment in this sector, making it one of the key pillars of the local economy.