Have you heard of #lovemk?
Destination MK encourages all Milton Keynes residents to take to social media and share their love of our city.
Thursday 27th April 2023 is #lovemk
The day is dedicated to highlighting the unique qualities of Milton Keynes and its communities however, this year as it is our first as a city, we would like to highlight our thriving, diverse business community too. The #lovemk campaign is a great opportunity for businesses in Milton Keynes to showcase their products and services, engage with their customers, and promote their brand to a wider audience.
We would like to invite you to be part of the #lovemk movement this year!
So, take a photo, record a video, create a reel that captures your story and share to your socials.
To be linked/found use these TWO hashtags in the text:
#lovemk #lovebusinessmk
We would love to hear and see more of our businesses so get tagging us in too.
Twitter - @investmk
LinkedIn – Invest Milton Keynes
We will also be working with our friends at Natwest, FSB, Incubation Nation, Eat & Explore Mk, Collaborate Mk, MK:U and Pulse Group Media to promote as many of the posts as possible across the day.
By participating in the campaign, you can raise awareness of our amazing City. Highlighting your products and services within to help build a stronger sense of community.